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Our stories

FemInTech ladies sharing their top moments through their favorite projects and inspire us.
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Natalie, UX Designer

I love sharing the same vision with others. FemInTech empowered me to build an disruptive app to improve hear loss for young children. 

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Anna, Software developer

Through the Think&Shop app, we managed to influence the purchasing behaviors and increase the food donations in local communities.


 Yang, Enterpreuner

Working with talented people in FemInTech community inspires me to work hard for a sustainable future.

Lisa, Web developer

I enjoyed teaching html to high school children through interactive games. 

Annie, DB Admin

My favorite moment in FemInTech was the "greenfuture" project where we develop the Myrecyclecalendar with daily alerts and tasks for homebased recycling.


Nora, Software engineer

What I enjoy the most in FemInTech commuity is the openess and the empowerement feeling.

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